The concept is simple: you must escape the courtyard by finding a key, finding the locked gate, and going through it.  In the courtyard are enemies trying to get you.  You must dodge the enemies and obstacles in the courtyard while attempting to escape. The player and enemies have momentum, so you can dodge and juke to make your escape.  The first level has 3 enemies, and each subsequent level has an additional 3 enemies, up to level 15 (45 enemies). 

Best played with a keyboard or controller.

v0.9.7 - Updated enemy AI, randomized enemy attributes

0.9.8 - Added ability to pick from one of these characters:

  • Barry - Slowest, but the most agile
  • Deon - Fastest, but the least agile
  • Devon - Between Barry and Deon for speed and agility

v1.0.0 - You now don't necessarily die if touched; it depends on your strength. Depending on the character you choose, you may be able to bounce off or run over enemies.  Also, I've added a bunch more playable characters.

v1.1.0 - Updated movement physics, random key placement

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